“Is yconic legit?” It’s a fair question. The short answer: yes. Student Awards and yconic are completely legitimate, legal, and above board.
We’ve operated in Canada since 1998 to help students and their parents pay for college and university. And while we’re currently the #1 destination for Canadian high school students to find everything they need (scholarships, information, advice, etc.) to succeed as they transition to post-secondary education, that wasn’t always the case.
Throughout the years, yconic has gone through many evolutions, corporate partnerships, and behind the scenes changes. So it’s natural that the question has come up about how it works and whether students are really getting help.
Are the Student Awards Scholarships a Scam?
No. The scholarships listed on Student Awards are real and actual students in Canada are winning them.
It’s a good thing to have some skepticism. Especially when seeing all the scholarships we list and wondering if anyone actually wins them. And over the years, we’ve seen a comment or two wondering this. “How is it possible that this many actual scholarships are out there and actually get handed out?” However, this comes with the territory. Other sites like ScholarTree and Scholarships Canada frequently face questions about whether they are legitimate or a scam, as well.
Thankfully, we work with a number of incredible schools and organizations that really do reward students and want to encourage them to pursue their post-secondary goals. These scholarships are all real.

As for students winning the actual awards through our sites, the majority of scholarships we list are not our own. So, to find out who actually wins them, your best bet is to go right to the source and check with the organizations actually awarding them.
That said, we do love featuring winners when we have the opportunity, like our series on a number of Loran Scholars. And you can bet that we will feature the winners of our yconic flagship scholarships like the School Seeker, Parent Power, and Superhero Teacher awards, once they’re drawn.
We also try to be discerning with the scholarships we list. We don’t just link out to any random award, we make sure it’s coming from a trustworthy source.
Is yconic Trying to Sell Me Something?
No. Any time yconic promotes an offer or works with a corporate partner or organization, it’s because we believe that their products or services can help students. They may not always be of interest to you but know that yconic only works with trusted brands.
All of this is a long-winded explanation to say that yconic and all its properties, including Student Awards, Campus Rankings, Campus Guides, and uThink are all totally legitimate and exist for the express purpose of helping students in Canada.
We hope you’re able to find something here that helps you out!