ATHENA Scholarship Program Windsor

March 27, 2025

The ATHENA Scholarship Program was created in 1999 in Windsor in keeping with the ATHENA philosophy, which maintains that by elevating people with potential and solid values, they will be exceptional role models and inspire others to achieve excellence. Recipients of this scholarship must be interested in increasing leadership opportunities for women, enhancing the quality of life in their community, mentoring, team building, and pursuing diversity.

The ATHENA Scholarship Program awards a total of four scholarships annually. The Scholarships are awarded to worthy scholars selected as follows:

  • One from St. Clair College
  • One from the University of Windsor (named in memory of Dr. Linda McKay)
  • One from the University of Windsor Faculty of Law (named in honour of Loretta Stoyka, President and Founder of the ATHENA Scholarship Fund Windsor)
  • One from any college or university attended by a student who has spent a significant period of time in Windsor/Essex County (named in memory of Melissa Macor, daughter of Loris and Michelle Macor)

How to Apply

Applicants must be:

  • A student of any gender 18 to 30 years of age as of January 1 of the scholarship year
  • Interested in increasing leadership opportunities for women, enhancing the quality of life in your community, mentoring, team building and pursuing diversity
  • Presently enrolled as a full-time student in a postsecondary institution and have spent a significant and substantial period of time (at least 16 months) in Windsor/Essex

Applicants must:

  • Demonstrate a community spirit that benefits people
  • Demonstrate a potential for leadership
  • Demonstrate academic excellence
  • Submit a transcript of marks
  • Submit three letters of reference in confidence
  • Provide a personal profile explaining their career plans, personal goals and objectives
  • Provide a resume of no more than 8 pages

All applications are carefully screened by two members of the ATHENA Scholarship Committee to make sure that they meet the scholarship criteria. A panel of five judges is appointed to select the ATHENA Scholarship Recipients.

The judges attend an orientation session and receive an overview of ATHENA International, the ATHENA Scholarship Program, judging criteria and the scoring process. The judges then work independently over the next 10 days to score and rank each application. They meet again with ATHENA Scholarship Committee members to discuss and determine the four scholarship recipients. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. The judges are invited to be guests at the annual ATHENA Scholarship Luncheon each fall.

An ATHENA Scholarship Committee member informs the four successful scholarship recipients and invites them to meet the ATHENA Committee members over lunch. Scholarship recipients are required to attend and make a brief presentation at the annual ATHENA Scholarship Luncheon where they are presented with their scholarship cheques.

Recipients must attend the annual ATHENA Scholarship Luncheon event.