Tall Clubs International Foundation Scholarship Program

Tall Clubs International
March 01, 2025

Kae Sumner Einfeldt, founder of Tall Clubs International, Inc. had dreams of creating an organization that would promote causes that benefit tall people. In 1992, one of those dreams became a reality in the creation of the Tall Clubs International Foundation, Inc.

In memory of Kae Sumner-Einfeldt, Virginia Linquist-Winker, Robert Rader and Carolyn Goldstein – Tall Clubs International Foundation awards annual scholarships to deserving High School Seniors in North America (United States and Canada only) who are at least 5′ 10″ for women and 6′ 2″ for men.

How to Apply

The Foundation realizes the special needs of exceptionally tall people. The current focus is to provide scholarships to individuals under the age of 21, entering their first year of higher education, and who meet the minimum height requirements for membership in Tall Clubs International of 5′ 10″ (178 cm) for women and 6′ 2″ (188 cm) for men.

In order to be accepted as a potential scholarship recipient, all applicants MUST meet ALL the following requirements:

  • Height:  Meet the minimum height requirements for membership in Tall Clubs International—5′ 10″ (178 cm) for women and 6′ 2″ (188 cm) for men — in stocking feet.  Note: TCI and TCI Foundation reserves the right to ‘measure’ an applicant’s height upon request.
  • Age:  Be under the age of 21 when entering your first year of college.
  • College Entrance:  Be entering your first year of higher education.
  • College:  Must intend to enter an accredited United States or Canadian college/university as a full-time student.

Scholarship Application

There are two scholarship types: Merit Scholarships and Legacy Scholarships. Learn more here.

Residence:  Request sponsorship from an active TCI Member Tall Club participating in the Scholarship Program in your state/province of residence — or — have a TCI Member-at-Large participating in the Scholarship Program in your state/province of residence.  When you submit your scholarship application form to the ‘correct’ sponsor – you are officially ‘requesting’ that they sponsor you for the scholarship.  There is no need to contact them first. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance on applying for this scholarship, please email your Sponsoring Member Club/Member-At-Large FIRST.  Otherwise, you may email tcifoundationscholarships@gmail.com.

Application Review: Your sponsoring Member Club or Member-At-Large will review your submitted application.

Application Disposition: When the sponsor has chosen a winner, your sponsor will notify you if you have won/lost at the local level.

Funding:  Must use the funds, if awarded, for attending that college/university.

Enrollment:  Agrees that enrollment must be completed within the current calendar year.

General Release:  Sign a general release form allowing your Member Club – Member-At-Large and TCI Foundation to publish your information if you win a TCI Foundation Scholarship.  A blank General Release form can be found here: General Release Form (Blank).