Written by Jasmeet Bhandal
Picture this: You’re accepted into your dream school. You’re jumping with joy and your first move is to instantly accept the offer. Until… your eyes drift over to the cost. Yep. That’s a lot of 0’s. You’ve heard that post-secondary programs are expensive. However, when the exact amount is laid out in front of you, it’s terrifying. The good news is that there are a number of scholarships that can help with tuition costs, and you don’t need to be one of the A+ students to receive them. Therefore, follow these tips to receive as much financial support as possible:
What’s a Scholarship?
A scholarship comes in various forms of payments that support students in their post-secondary programs. Additionally, scholarship offers can range from academic scholarships to athletic scholarships, to local scholarships, etc. Along with bursaries and grants, these options offer financial aid that does not need to be paid back. (I know, right? PHEW!)
Trust the Process
The process of applying for scholarships varies. It depends on the type of scholarship and the requirements that accompany it. This process can feel intimidating, but it only takes a few steps to secure your application.
Step 1: Apply to your post-secondary program. At this moment, focus on your application for the program and the school because your scholarship has to support something!
Step 2: Research the type of scholarship you want. For example, research grants, entrance bursaries, or athletic versus academic scholarships, etc. Carefully review the guidelines and requirements for each type of financial aid to see if you qualify and if any additional submissions are required. For example, some scholarships request an academic resume or personal statement essay.
Step 3: Complete any requirements for these scholarships and send them before their due date!
Step 4: Submit your full application and wait patiently for the offers to roll in.
Cons of a Scholarship
- Takes more time and effort to finish applications.
- It is an extremely competitive nature.
- Some scholarships have demanding requirements.
Pros of a Scholarship
- Offers equal chances for all students.
- Many financial benefits.
- Does not need to be paid back.
So… Now What?
Keep in mind each situation is different, but these tips will help you all. I know it can be intimidating and stressful when applying for schools; especially if you’re struggling financially. Remember, there are so many resources at the tip of your finger that can make your life easier! Don’t overthink it, just do it as Nike says.
So, if you’re looking for more, keep reading with 5 Tips For Finding and Winning a Scholarship next!