tips to win the CFUW AWA aboriginal women's award

Tips To Win The CFUW AWA (Aboriginal Women’s Award)


The CFUW Aboriginal Women’s Award (AWA) offers a value of $10,000 – $25,000. So, do you have any interest in this renewable award? Then check out these tips to win the CFUW AWA.

Quick Overview

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Canadian Citizenship or a Permanent Residence Status in Canada
  • Canadian Aboriginal woman
  • Study in Canada
  • Holds or will hold an undergraduate university degree from a recognized Canadian university.
  • Also, has applied to be a full-time student in the 2020 – 2021 school year in an eligible program at a recognized Canadian post-secondary degree-granting institution.  

Definition of CFUW AWA Terms

  • Aboriginal Women: Canadian status or non-status Indian (or First Nations), Inuit and Métis women who self-identify as such. 
  • Eligible Programs:
    • Academic programs that the applicant is studying. This includes programs that will lead to a degree in law (L.L.B. or J.D.); a degree in medicine (M.D. or O.D.); a qualifying license to practice as a Nurse Practitioner; and a Master’s degree in fields dealing with current important Canadian aboriginal issues at the time of the CFUW Aboriginal Women’s Award. 

Additionally, for more information on eligibility requirements for CFUW Fellowships and Awards, click here.

Online Application Tips

PRO TIP: Only click the MARK AS COMPLETE button for a task when you are fully finished that task.

Statement of Intent 

This is two-pages maximum:

  • Single-spaced
  • Arial 12-pt font
  • Margins .75 inches 

Also, clearly state your name and the CFUW Fellowship or Award that you are applying for. In addition, use these headings in your Statement of Intent:

  • Title of thesis or a project plan for the non-thesis applicant 
  • Description of your research topic or project plan including clear objectives 
  • Clear explanation of methodology or project plan for the non-thesis applicant 
  • Projected application of your research topic or project plan 
  • Personal motivation for embarking on your research or study 
  • Research and professional goals following the completion of your research or study

Curriculum Vitae

Basically, this requires a specific format:

  • Point form
  • Single-space 
  • Margins .75 inches
  • Arial 12 pt font
  • No page restriction

Therefore, list from most recent to earliest: 

Firstly, list a summary of education: academic, technical, professional, and special study.

  • Universities attended with dates
  • Degrees and diplomas
  • Title of thesis

Secondly, include scholarships, awards, distinctions, etc. that you previously or currently held:

  • Name and monetary value of awards
  • Sponsor and place of award 
  • Date of award
  • Period of tenure 

Thirdly, include relevant publications to your current program or research area. Also, include a letter of confirmation. Use the standard bibliographical format for the following:

  • Academic papers
  • Books/Chapters in books
  • Conference and poster presentations
  • Juried and gallery showings, concerts, musical compositions, etc.

Fourthly, list all work experience as well as community and volunteer activities. 


The applicant requires three recommendations to support each application. Furthermore, the online application system offers an email template for an applicant to complete a request for a recommendation from a referee. Also, this email request has an embedded URL link for the referee to access the Referee Assessment Form online. 

In Conclusion

Hopefully, these tips to win the CFUW Aboriginal Women’s Award are helpful! However, for more information on the application process, check out the most recent CFUW AWA winners.