vanier cgs how to apply

Vanier CGS: How To Apply and Win


The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program was launched by the Government of Canada in 2008 to increase the number of world-class doctoral students in Canada. Valued at $50,000 per year. Here’s everything you need to know about how to apply. Firstly, winners of this scholarship exhibit leadership skills and high scholarly achievement in graduate studies within these areas of study:

  • Health;
  • Engineering and/or Natural Sciences; and
  • Social Sciences and Humanities.

Secondly, candidates cannot apply directly to the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program. 

Students who wish to apply should do the following:

  • Submit their Vanier CGS application package through ResearchNet to the Canadian institution that will be putting forward their nomination.
  • Verify institutional internal deadlines with the administrator at their nominating institution.
  • Read the Selection Committee Guide before beginning their application as this lists the three evaluation criteria in further detail: Academic Excellence, Research Potential, and Leadership. 
    • Bold text and stars to remember mandatory fields.
    • Each task must be complete to submit your application.
  • Attain an average score of at least 3.1 in each of their criteria.
  • Review the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion page before preparing or reviewing an application. 

Note: Selection committees are multidisciplinary, so applications should be written for a non-specialist research audience.

Application/Nomination Process

Nominating Institution

To be eligible for Vanier CGS, the nominating school must have received a Vanier CGS quota. So, this means that the institution has a pre-determined number of applicants that they can nominate. 

Moreover, candidates must be registered at the nominating institution and demonstrate satisfactory progress in their program. Additionally, candidates must intend to pursue a full-time doctoral or a joint graduate research program at the nominating institution, either in the summer semester or academic year immediately following the announcement results. Finally, candidates must achieve a first-class average, which is determined by the nominating institution, in each of the last two years of full-time study. Please contact your institution to find out their definition of a first-class average.

Vanier CGS Nomination Packages 

Individual application documents are accepted in either French or English. However, if another language is necessary for expressing a specific idea, the candidate must provide an explanation in English or French. Moreover, this is what the Vanier CGS Nomination Package includes:

For information on the ResearchNet application process, visit here.

Competition Process

How are applications initiated? One of two ways. Either the student informs the faculty of graduate studies of their intent to apply to the Vanier CGS program OR the institution contacts their desired candidate.

Basically, students need to prepare and submit their applications to the nominating institution within their internal deadline. (Set by the nominating institution in ResearchNet.) The nominating institution will select internal candidates and forward their recommended nominations to the Vanier-Banting Secretariat by November 3, 2020. 

Additionally, the Secretariat coordinates the review process and presents the recommendations to the Tri-Agency Programs Steering Committee. The Tri-Agency Programs Steering Committee approves final decisions for the program. Nominated candidates are notified of the results in April 2021.

Next Important Dates

For Students:

Consult your nominating institution for submission deadlines.

For Nominating Institutions:

The deadline is November 3, 2020 (20:00 EDT).

Please visit the Vanier CGS website for updates regarding important dates. Furthermore, if you’re looking for an in-depth overview of the scholarship and its eligibility requirements, read Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships: Scholarship Overview.